Did You Know 64% of Americans Would Give Politicians a Hair Makeover?

27 Jun 2016 by Jose Eledra in Ego, General, Grooming, Grooming, Home, Products

As the Race to the White House continues over the next few months find out what Americans really think about Heads of State and their hair.
This election there are some major issues on the table such as healthcare, foreign policy, and the economy. Yet, it seems that hair, fashion and style have become particularly buzzworthy topics over the past few months. To get to the root of the issue, Men’s ROGAINE Foam conducted a recent study to uncover some insights about American’s perception on this hair raising issue:

Rogaine Heads of State Infographic1Rogaine Heads of State Infographic2Rogaine Heads of State Infographic3

What would you do if your hair was the only thing holding you back from the White House? If thinning was an issue, over half of Americans would take action to regrow hair, do you agree?
In fact, 38% of them would try a hair regrowth treatment similar to Men’s ROGAINE Foam.

For more information visit www.rogaine.com



Jose Eledra

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