It’s a fact, your smell determines whether she finds you attractive. In fact, two out of three women say they are more likely to make out with you on the first date if they like your scent. To investigate the science behind scent and attraction, AXE commissioned a study to determine what scents turn women on. Here are the results.
AXE enlisted scent expert Dr. Alan Hirsch, director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, to determine girls’ scent preferences in 10 of the top cities for singles nationwide.
Surprisingly, no two cities fared the same. In Chicago, for example, which boasts nearly 700 bakeries and patisseries, girls preferred the sweet smell of vanilla, while in sunny San Diego, girls go wild for the scent of suntan lotion and salty ocean air. Guys should take note – switching up fragrance according to locale might just be the help needed to attract her attention.
“In each city we tested, girls reported different scent preferences, indicating that geography has a direct correlation to what scents they find attractive,” said Dr. Hirsch. “Guys should heed these findings as research has shown that when women are in the presence of a preferred scent, they are more likely to project positive feelings on those around them, which can lead to increased attraction.”
Seductive Scents
So which scents may seduce? Guys living in New York, where girls dig the smell of coffee, should opt for a gourmet foodie scent, such as AXE Dark Temptation, which includes notes of hot chocolate amber and red peppercorn. Guys in L.A. shouldn’t think they can get by with the same fragrance – girls there are drawn to the smell of fresh lavender so guys should reach for clean, herbal scents.
How different is it from city to city?
Girls’ Scent Preferences by City
1. New York City – Coffee
2. Los Angeles – Lavender
3. Chicago – Vanilla
4. Houston – Barbeque
5. Atlanta – Cherry
6. Phoenix – Eucalyptus
7. Philadelphia – Clean Laundry
8. Dallas – Smoke/Fireplace
9. San Diego – Suntan Lotion/Ocean
10. Minneapolis-St. Paul – Cut Grass
For guys who don’t live in one of the above locations, Dr. Hirsch and his team of scent scientists broke down the data nationally and regionally, finding that some scents were popular enough to cross state lines. Food-focused scents like vanilla and coffee, for instance, reined supreme nationwide.
Girls’ Scent Preferences Regionally
1. Vanilla – East Coast – Coffee
2. Coffee – South – Fire/Smoke
3. Lavender – Midwest – Cut Grass
4. Fresh Air/Rain – West Coast – Baked Goods
Sensorial Satisfaction
The importance of knowing what scents girls are attracted to goes beyond picking out a complementary fragrance. Dating and relationship expert Ian Kerner, New York Times best-selling author of She Comes First and Love in the Time of Colic, suggests not only wearing the correct fragrance according to your city, but incorporating the preferred scent into your dating routine.
“Dating should be a sensorial experience,” says Kerner. “If a girl likes the sights, sounds and smell around her, she is going to find you more desirable.” Guys who call the South home, for example, might take their girl to their favorite barbeque place or roast S’mores by a campfire to create that desired smoky aroma. Since girls in the Midwest like freshly cut grass, guys in the Heartland may be better off with a picnic or hitting up the driving range.
Survey Says
In addition to the study, AXE also commissioned research firm StrategyOne to survey girls nationwide about their thoughts on scent and attraction. While scent preferences vary by location, some things ring true from coast to coast, despite ethnicity, proving that scent is an important element to consider when getting ready for that hot date.
–Dirty little secret: One in four girls will wait anywhere from two weeks to a month before washing their sheets in order to keep their guy’s scent close
— Father doesn’t know best: 56 percent of girls say they won’t date a guy who smells like their dad
— Guard your belongings: One out of two girls admits that she has committed theft by stealing an article of clothing from a guy to smell when he’s gone and nearly 60 percent of girls sleep in their guy’s clothes because they like his lingering aroma –
– Need proof of how scent and memory are intertwined? 60 percent of girls still remember the smell of their ex’s cologne
In the study that AXE commissioned, a Hispanic sample was included to determine if there is any difference in their opinions about scent and attraction and when it comes to those two subjects the majority of girls are in agreement.
AXE is an iconic personal care brand around the world that helps guys look, smell and feel their best. The Unilever-manufactured brand is available in a line of deodorant bodysprays, deodorant and antiperspirant sticks, shower gels and hair care products. AXE is the No. 1 men’s grooming brand in the U.S.
The brand’s mission is to help guys get the girl with grooming products that reflect individual personality and lifestyle.
For more information visit www.theaxeeffect.com