Danny Trejo Is MACHETE

26 Aug 2010 by admin in Home

After starring in the Summer hit PREDATORS, Danny Trejo returns as MACHETE.  The Robert Rodriguez directed film has an all-star cast including Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez and the infamous Lindsay Lohan.

In Part 2 of his exclusive conversation with HOMBRE’s Kristen, Trejo discusses his current blockbuster and examines a life of redemption.

MACHETE centers around a renegade Mexican Federal’s quest for revenge after being double-crossed by government officials.                      

Despite his penchant for being cast as a hardened criminal, Danny Trejo is in reality a compassionate individual who contributes a great deal to the community. In addition to running a canine rescue program with his wife, he is also a drug counselor. He is an inspiration to young Latinos everywhere, much in the same way he describes his character in MACHETE: a hardworking guy who is essentially a hero.  

HOMBRE: You’ve been acting for a while. How did you get your start?
Danny Trejo: By accident! A friend of mine called me for help with something, and I wound up having to meet him at the set of  RUNAWAY TRAIN. It turned out they needed to cast needed a boxer, and I was there so they gave me the role.

H: So it’s not something you ever thought about doing before?
DT: No. Growing up, you tend to gravitate toward whatever is around you. I was surrounded by drugs and dealers; movies weren’t really around me.

H: This Summer you starred in PREDATORS. Were you a big fan of the original ?
DT: Yea, but the new movie was different in that it wasn’t so much about muscles as it was about brains. There was more strategy involved.     

H: You’re starring in another film directed by Robert Rodriguez, MACHETE. Can you tell us a little about that role?
DT: Bad ass. He’s a hero, but he’s not running around in tights and wearing a cape; he’s a regular, hardworking guy who just starts kicking ass.  The cast is unbelievable: Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Michele Rodriguez, Cheech Marin are all costars. There are a lot of political undertones and devious behavior by politicians. I’d say this movie is a culmination of all of Robert’s great work.  

H: Was there anything special you needed to do to prepare for the role?
DT: Well, I always stay in shape naturally. I had a lot of physical stuff to do aside from running, jumping, and fighting. I had to practice my kissing, since Jessica Alba is Machete’s love interest. When my friends hear that I kissed Jessica Alba, they try to kiss me! God definitely worked overtime on her and Michele Rodriguez; they are both such beautiful women. 

H: Our readers are going to be jealous of you.
DT: When people ask me, “How is it to work with Jessica Alba?”, all I can say is, “WOW”.  

H: In the movie, Machete is double crossed by a U.S. Senator. Is that something you can relate to? Have you ever been betrayed by anyone close to you?
DT: Well, I’m a drug counselor, and right now in California the Governor  has cut funding for programs almost to the point where there are almost no more modalities of care. Kind of makes you wish you can send Machete to fix things! It’s really a shame. 

H: How has your upbringing influenced your work?
DT: Some people say that the first half of my life was a character study of all the characters that I’m playing now.  

H: In addition to being an actor and a drug counselor, you’re also a husband and a father; you’re a busy guy! How do you balance all that?
DT: My wife and I have an animal rescue organization called Canine Compassion that we work on together. We help people that rescue animals; one charity we work with is Villalobos, a pit bull rescue up in Lancaster.  

H: What about future plans and goals?
DT: I’m producing a movie called Vengeance; you can check it out at  http://www.vengeancearmy.com/ Charles Bronson did a bunch of vigilante movies called DEATH WISH, and I happened to meet him on DEATH WISH 4. That’s where I got the idea for a vigilante movie. Also, my son Gilbert is producing a movie called SKINNY DIP. It’s about a girl who has a trick played on her and is mistreated by some cops. She later comes back to seek revenge.  

H: Is there any advice you can give to those striving to overcome obstacles in their lives and follow in your footsteps?
DT: The problem with a lot of people is they tend to aim low. I always tell people that  I’d rather aim for the moon and miss than aim for the gutter and make it.                                           


