Grooming Resolutions for a Handsome New Year
21 Dec 2013 by Jose Eledra in Ego, Fashion, Fitness, Fitness, General, Grooming, Grooming, Health, Health, Lastest news, Style

Nose hair, uni-brows and comb overs are not exactly the picture of handsomeness. If you’re guilty of any of these much-too-common faux pas, it’s time to step up your grooming game. While you may have been overlooking these issues, it’s likely that those around you are painfully aware of them. Luckily, these issues can be easily resolved with a little initiative and some expert advice. Grooming Lounge – a premiere destination for upscale men’s grooming product, services and advice – addresses the ten most common grooming gaffes and provides simple solutions for each. Here’s to a dashing 2014!
Excess Nose Hair
Your nose shouldn’t look like a party favor when you sneeze.
Tip: Trim away protruding nostril hairs with a quality nose hair trimmer.
The Uni-Brow
Two eyebrows are always better than one.
Tip: A little tweezing goes a long way. Pull in the direction of hair growth.
Missed shaving spots
Little hairy islands that reside in places the razor skipped.
Tip: After shaving, splash on a little cold water and feel around for stragglers.
Back-Of-Neck Hair
Nothing ages a haircut faster than unsightly growth above the collar.
Tip: Most barbers offer this service for a reasonable fee, but it’s easy to do at home.
Gnarled Mitts
They’re the first thing you present to a prospective boss (or wife), so keep them in good shape.
Tip: Invest in a good set of clippers and a file (or manicure set), and moisturize daily.
Body Odor
Smelling bad is just never OK.
Tip: A good deodorant can’t be undervalued as both a hygienic measure and a schnoz savior. Pick up some powder for the privates.
Product: Molton Brown Cool Buchu Anti-Perspirant Stick
The Comb Over
It’s always better to be bald than balding.
Tip: Always keep it super-short on the sides if you’re not going to shave it off completely.
Mismatched cologne
Almost everything smells good on paper, but certain scents might not work with your body chemistry.
Tip: Always try before you buy. Spray it on and wait at least fifteen minutes (or another visit) before slapping down that cash.
Yellow Teeth
The importance of a smile cannot be understated. Make sure yours is presentable.
Tip: Brush with a mild whitening toothpaste to keep stains at bay.
Bad Breath
If your breath has more kick than Bruce Lee, you’ve got issues.
Tip: In addition to a good dental regimen, simply staying hydrated is great for keeping odor-causing bacteria away.
All products are available at