XBox Kinect Has Something For Everyone

22 Feb 2011 by admin in Home

Xbox has always been a pioneer when it comes to video game technology. So it’s not surprising that their latest – Xbox Kinect – is light years ahead its competiton. I was fortunate enough to experience Xbox Kinect and can safely say it was one of the most invigorating and amusing experiences I’ve ever had playing a video game.

The new Xbox 360 game console is a hands free system that uses a sensor to allow the player to be the actual controller.

Whether you’re the type to play video games for the fun or for the competition, this will get you off your couch and into the action.

One thing that really stood out was that the game board knew exactly where I was and what I was doing so there was no way of cheating and it allowed me to concentrate completely on the task and game at hand and to just have fun.

Since you’re in control of it all, you are constantly moving and keeping active whether aware of it or not. I was exasperated after just playing a few games but craved and came back for more.

While other game systems use mostly arm and hand movements in order for you to control and play the games, Xbox 360 requires you to use your whole body, setting it apart from its competitors and making it a unique and one of a kind game console. 

The various products differ based on each individual’s needs. If you would rather compete in a dance off or just dance, you would probably gravitate towards the “Dance Central” game which will keep your heart rate up and pumping.

If you have any overly energetic children and don’t know what to do with all that energy, you should look into getting the “Kinect Adventures” edition which has over 20 different heart pounding adventures for them to let their imaginations run wild and just be kids and have fun.

For the more athletic and sporty types there is “Kinect Sports,” with soccer, bowling, volleyball, table tennis and more. 

And if you want to lose some weight but do away with a personal trainer, work out instead with Bob, Jillian and Allison Sweeny; virtual trainers from television’s hit show with XBox’s new game “The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout.”

Or you can workout with different personal trainers with “Active2” which also includes a heart monitor and resistance band for those who prefer cardiovascular and strength training.

I’m also aware that some people would rather get into shape using more relaxing and less strenuous techniques like Yoga or Tai Chi. That is why Xbox has created “Your Shape Fitness Evolved” which has an array of workout techniques just for individuals who like a little variety in their daily workout routines. 

Something else that came as a surprise on my review was that Xbox updates its system with new dance moves, exercise routines and games on a daily basis. So you can download more options for your game console for only a fraction of the price. 

The most ingenious part about the Xbox is that its target audience is everyone.
Whether you’re considering getting it for your young child or for the big child at heart (umm, you!), everyone and anyone can play it and will have a ball doing it.

So no matter who you’re shopping for, remember that the best gift is one that helps uplift the mind, body and spirit and XBox Kinect does all three.

Thank you Xbox for your diligence and expertise in creating a well rounded, much needed, and immensely appreciated video game console like Xbox 360 and the Kinect series.

My life and health will never be the same and I have you to thank for that.


