‘Tough Love: Miami’ / Tougher Love CLAUDIA LOPEZ

08 Nov 2011 by in

After a dramatic, tear filled departure from VH1

HOMBRE: How are
you doing since leaving the show? 

Claudia Lopez: To completely heal all my scars, I would
have to live a thousand lives…to learn from them, I just need this one. Having
said that, I am doing wonderful, I keep reminding myself of what Steve and Joann said
“baby steps,” and that’s how I’m handling things. I cannot expect to heal years and
years of trauma in the blink of an eye, but I am heading in the right direction,
and that’s all that matters.

H: What do you
have to say to your fans about their outpouring of love and support?

CL: I am so touched that people cared and have reached
out to me. I’m glad that people finally saw me in a new light. I have never
wanted anyone to ever feel sorry, I just wanted people to see me past the
curves or “outfits”… A good, sensitive woman with real issues.

H: What lessons
can you share from your painful childhood experiences to help others?

CL:  My pain and trauma is a lot deeper; what aired on
the show is just a fragment of what I’ve gone through. Without getting into
details, one thing is for certain: do not ever bury your pain, it will come
back to haunt you. Whatever the demons, you need to face them and have faith that
everything will be okay.  I wish I could have
done this boot camp when I was 20 instead of 30, I guess every thing happens
for a reason, maybe I wasn’t ready back then. 

Why did you decide to participate in