Top 10 Online Dating Mistakes

15 Apr 2010 by admin in Home

From moving too fast to giving up TMI, there are many ways to blow your online dating chances. Here is her advice on mistakes to avoid when courting your dream girl online:

1. TMI. We don’t want to know about your ex-wife, your bankruptcy, or your feelings of masculine inadequacy. If you’re neurotic about it, leave it out.

2. Mr. Eager. If you send us an overly long email that sounds overly solicitous, we won’t think you’re interested. We’ll think you’re desperate.

3. Bang-Bang. Make it clear you’re out for a one-night-stand? With few exceptions, we’re happy to show you the door.

4. The Dealbreaker. There’s a difference between knowing what you want and having a list of criteria no woman could meet. Keep it real.

5. Body Obsessed. If you say you won’t date “fatties,” even skinny chicks won’t date you. You’re not a hater. You’re just a … .

6. Stalker Boy. Keep emails, calls, and date requests to a minimum. We’ll let you know what we want from you.

7. Material-tastic. We appreciate your toys—your car, your motorcycle, your boat—but we would rather hear about what makes you tick. That we like.

8. Grow Up. Your resume should include something other than trips to Mardi Gras, booze-fueled tales of debauchery, and all the hot girls you dated. We’re looking for love (mostly).

9. The Black Booker. If we want you to have our real email address and our phone number, we’ll let you know. Asking for it right out of the gate creeps us out.

10. Chill Out, Dude. Take it slow. We’re not going anywhere. If what we’re both after is a relationship, let’s take the scenic route to get there.

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