HOMBRE Exclusive: Despierta America’s Chef Yisus On Fatherhood …And The Keys To Success
20 Jun 2021 by Francisco Romeo in Advice, Celebrities, Cuisine, Fame, General, Home, Money, Pleasure, Power, Profile, Sports, Stars, Television

We last caught up with Jesús Diaz – better known as Chef Yisus – on Mother’s Day, when he shared a delicious recipe to prepare for mom. Now, for Father’s Day the “Despierta America” resident Chef and winner of Univision‘s “Mira Quién Baila, is back. This time to share his wisdom on fatherhood, future plans, and his advice on achieving success.
Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Diaz came to the U.S. on a baseball college scholarship where he has forced to cook his own meals and found his passion for cooking. He traded his baseball bat for a spatula at his local iHop where he started as a dishwasher but quickly moved up the ranks by learning the operational side of the business. Years later he opened his own restaurant, defined and perfected his own style and published a cookbook where he shared flavors from his childhood, the meals of his first years as an immigrant and his family life. Today Chef Yisus is the resident chef on the #1 morning show “Despierta America” on the Univision network and has won two Emmys for his work.
Learn a quick recipe from Chef Yisus here – Enchilladas de Camarones con Queso Fresco
HOMBRE: How do you feel working on the show?
Chef Yisus: “Despierta America” has been a dream job because it’s a four hour daily morning show that deals with so many issues, and can help people at home. Whether it’s cooking, sharing the news, or informing on sports, which I love so much. It’s a combination of all that I love in a single show, so I feel at home.
H: What is the best part of being there?
CY: The best part is to feel the energy, not only of my co-workers, but also of the television audience. It happens in the morning, which is the start of the day; it’s always good energy, good intentions. That’s contagious. And even if you’re giving it to the camera so that people see it at home, you’re also being filled with that energy. That’s the best, starting the day like that, with the right foot.
H: What does being a father mean to you?
CY: That is without a doubt the best experience I’ve had so far. To know that you created another human being along with another person. It’s crazy to think that you are keeping the chain of life going, knowing that part of your family will continue. I have two little girls and it’s a blessing because girls are close to their dads. It’s the best. It’s a gift from God.
H: Why is it important for men to cook, for their families, for their women?
CY: It’s important because it’s a sign of love. Whether it’s good or bad, regardless of the outcome, the effort of cooking is always appreciated. The family normally sees it like that. It’s a great sign of caring. Perhaps it’s not seen at the moment, but when kids grow up and mature they realize that cooking is a great sign of love. That someone wants to feed you, give you a plate of food.
H: We know you wrote a book a few years ago, are there plans to write another one?
CY: Right now there are no plans to write another book. I want to concentrate on the Chef Yisus brand. New products, promote cooking utensils, maybe give cooking classes, I would love to have a restaurant again when the time is right. Those are some of the priorities before writing another book.
H: Did you ever imagine you would be in the position where you are now?
CY: No, not really. Everything happened organically. Things have just happened, first baseball brought me to the United States, then the restaurant brought me to “Despierta America,” and then being here in the show’s kitchen has brought me many other things. I never imagined it, it all just sort of happened.
H: How did the desire to cook come about after playing sports?
CY: The desire to cook happened later, when I thought of my first business it was opening my restaurant. I saw it first as employment, but also as employment that was always there, when I came to this country, when I played baseball, cooking was always part of my life. From waiter, to cook, to everything in between.
H: After achieving success in many different fields, what advice can you give to those trying to achieve their dreams?
CY: To appreciate every opportunity that is presented. Do not underestimate chances. You can always learn from everything that you do in life, there’s always a lesson to learn. I see it like that. From the dishes that I had to wash as a teenager, to opening a restaurant and having to try all the positions. Even everything you study. I studied journalism thinking about sports and that’s something that has helped me now in television. You should never take for granted the experiences that can provide you with growth. Even if at the moment it may not work, at some point it will help you.
H: What is the best advice your parents gave you?
CY: My parents showed me with actions, rather than words. They were always there for me and my two brothers. And that is the greatest gift, to be present for your kids. It is important to feel the presence of your parents and that they teach by being an example to follow.
H: Why should audiences watch “Despierta America”?
CY: Because it has been the best Spanish language television show for the last 24 years, that’s one reason. And because our purpose is to bring joy, and the information our audiences need. Whether it’s relationship, immigration, or cooking advice. This show has everything and it’s the best way to start the day, before going to work, or before going to school.