HOMBRE Exclusive: Giselle Blondet On Her Keys To Success And Staying Forever Young
16 Aug 2021 by Francisco Romeo in Advice, Advice, Business, Career, Celebrities, Decorating, Ego, Event, Fame, Fashion, Film, Films, General, Grooming, Grooming, Home, Money, Pleasure, Power, Products, Profile, Style, Television, Theater, Woman

Actress, TV Host, author, entrepreneur, motivator, mother, and now grandmother of two, Giselle Blondet is one of the most recognized and beloved Latinas working in entertainment today. Inner and outer beauty, and remaining vibrant regardless of age or gender has always been a top priority. So it’s no wonder that she has teamed up with Pond’s, the personal care brand founded in 1846, to carry forward the message of self-care and positivity for all. We sat down with the inspiring multifaceted personality to discover her passions, her secrets to always remaining youthful, and her advice to live a successful and fulfilling life.
Blondet has been a tv star for over 30 years, appearing in soap operas, mini-series, and co-hosting the morning TV show Despierta América for eight years. She also hosted the hit TV reality program Nuestra Belleza Latina for seven years. In addition to her work in television, she is the author of a popular self-help book, Tengo 50 ¿y qué? (“I’m 50, so what?”).
As an entrepreneur, she has collaborated with Walmart in creating her own line of bedding and jewelry called “Gi by Giselle Blondet,” and she launched a very entertaining podcast earlier this year, where she talks about special parenting topics with her daughter Gabriella. Her podcast is now one of the top 10 Apple Podcasts for Parenting.
H: How did your involvement with Pond’s come about?
Giselle Blondet: I like the purpose of this campaign so much. As you know I’m 57, and I’m very proud of my age. For me it’s important to bring women the message that you can be beautiful at any age. That is also the message that Pond’s wants to give so it was the perfect combination. This is a product I have known forever because it’s been with my family generation after generation. I liked being the voice of a campaign that I know, that I like, with a message that is so important.
Pond’s has been around and evolving for over 160 years, and that gives them strength and credibility, and they do it at a very accessible price for everyone. Because of all those reasons I am now speaking to you.
H: Are these products also good for men?
GB: Men are now using more moisturizers. You guys take care of yourselves, avoiding wrinkles, which I think it’s the right thing to do, and these creams are easy. This is my opinion, but these are creams that we can share with our partner and I love that.
H: How do you feel about the Pond’s brand?
GB: I think in every home there is at least one bottle of Pond’s. Beauty is everything, it’s how we feel about ourselves, it’s how we take care and pamper ourselves. It’s our responsibility, and in these moments when there are so many things that worry us, sometimes we forget about ourselves, and we can’t do that. This is a good time to reinforce our self worth, to remember how strong we are, and understand that we deserve to feel beautiful at any age.
I love Rejuveness because it has ingredients that we see in products that are much more expensive and here you can have them with the same quality but more accessible. I always say, there is no excuse. All these products have vitamin B3, they have retinol complex that for me it’s super important because my skin is very sensitive and pure retinol harms me, but here I can use it and it’s spectacular.
I’m going to tell you a story. I was on the street and a person came to me and said ‘Giselle, I need you to help me, I have blemishes in the skin, tell me what product is good for me?’ There is a product Clarant B3 that helps with blemishes. I was happy to share the product and let her know she would see results in a few weeks. She was happy and I feel that I can help people with something I enjoy.
H: You spoke about sharing products with a partner, what products do you recommend for guys?
GB: Rejuveness because it has the Anti-Wrinkle Cream. It’s a moisturizer that you can use every day but it helps with fine lines. It has Alpha Hidroxy Acid that helps exfoliate the skin softly, and when you remove dead skin you look healthier and more brilliant. It has collagen and vitamin E that is an important antioxidant that hydrates and makes the skin look better. I’m a fan of the Serum, for me it’s one of the most important products. It hydrates deeply and it’s nourishing, it’s what helps anti-aging. You see results fast. And you can’t forget about the eyes, both men and women, because the skin is very fine and it’s important to have that area hydrated. The Lifting and Brightening Cream has a technology called blurred system and that works so that when someone sees you they can’t see the fine lines and wrinkles. The Night Cream you should always use, obviously, because while you’re sleeping it’s helping you with wrinkles, and hydrating you. It helps slow down the visible aging process.
H: All this information about ingredients, is it something you’ve always known or did it increase now that you are working with the brand?
GB: I’ve always been interested. My mom was like that. She was the number one fan of skin care. She always looked younger than she was and very vivacious.
I think she inherited that from my grandmother. I like to use natural masks which I complement with my creams. I also learned about facial massages that are very good.
Something I learned by reading was that you put on your cream but you have to take that time for yourself.
There are so many things going on that we don’t live in the present moment. When you are putting on your creams you are doing something for yourself. You are pampering yourself and you have to think about all the things you are receiving at that moment. You have to realize you are dedicating that time to yourself. Visualization is an important part of life.
H: With such a long career filled with milestones, what would you say is your key to success?
GB: For me the key to success is to attempt everything you want, without being fearful of failing. And if things don’t work out as you wish then have the fortitude and compromise to try it again, do it differently, and keep moving ahead. For me that is true success, when you are able to get up and continue going forward time and time again.
H: And what would you say to someone that wants to follow in your footsteps?
GB: To be able to always adapt to change. There are some things that are fundamental for me, and that is that whatever work you do you have to approach it with discipline and respect. In our job people compliment and say so many nice things to you, but you have to remain with your feet on the ground. That’s important so you can always continue learning and adapting. You always have to find a way to reinvent yourself.
The other thing is like I say in my book “I am 50 and so what?,” if they close a door, climb through a window. Don’t let anything stop you. It doesn’t matter the goal or the profession, perseverance and believing in yourself and having the right mindset makes all the difference. And I know you know it.
H: Absolutely, I agree with you. Now, what are your plans after the campaign?
GB: What I am doing now is loving the product and using it, what I like about them is that they speak about beauty at any age and that is a message I have carried for a very long time and that I will continue to promote. It’s not part of a campaign, this is something I fully believe.
Professionally speaking I have many projects. Everyday I am doing more on my digital platforms. I am also starting a new project that I can’t reveal just yet, but soon you’ll know.
I am doing everything that has to do with my fashion line. I also have my entrepreneurship program where I help women and offer training so they can launch their businesses. And I have a project that began two years ago and it’s the one I love the most, which is being a grandmother. I love this stage of my life.
I believe every stage has its beauty. Now I feel more sure of myself, more clear of the things I want, I care less about what people think about my decisions, and I focus on trying to leave something positive in life. A legacy, so that every time someone thinks, ‘this thing that Giselle did is going to help me, my daughter, my granddaughter.’ That is really important for me. This is the moment to enjoy without having to ask permission from anyone.
H: Finally, why should someone use these products?
GB: Because they are excellent products, because there is a wide variety, from eye care, skin hydration, removing blemishes, skin elasticity, to maintaining a youthful appearance, reducing wrinkles, and everything at a very accessible price, available to any budget. I love that. It’s a product that we have known all our life, a product we trust. It’s a good product, it’s a beauty regimen that’s simple and accessible for everyone.