Host A Fun Game Night With These Booze Pairings

17 Dec 2018 by Pedro Aristes in Cuisine, Decorating, General, Home, Pleasure, Products, Spirits

It’s winter, it’s cold, and you want to stay in your sweatpants. That means its time to host a fun game night. A great way unwind with friends and skip the bar crowds, all you need for a memorable time is a few good drinks. But remember, not all booze pairings are winners.

Consider the energy level of the box you’re unpacking and the quality of the bottles you’re pouring. Check out these picks for hosting the ultimate game night throw-down.

Cards Against Humanity + RÅVO
Using phrases typically deemed risqué or politically incorrect, Cards Against Humanity is best paired with a spirit that keeps it real, just like the game is intended to be played.  Consider RÅVO Vodka (SRP $20),a name derived from the Swedish words for “raw” and “vodka, ” Scoring 94 points in Wine EnthusiastRÅVO stays true to its origins and is crafted from all-natural Swedish winter wheat.

Jigsaw Puzzle + The Famous Grouse
Puzzles pair best with those looking to master their long form game. Researchers have found that when you double the number of pieces, you quadruple the time it takes to finish the puzzle. If it takes you one hour to do a 250-piece puzzle, it may take then an average of eight-hours to complete a 1,000-piece puzzle. Having a solid strategy is the cornerstone to putting together any puzzle and that includes what you’re sipping. Consider The Famous Grouse (SRP $29.99) as your drink companion, the number one whisky in the UK and number five standard blended whisky worldwide according to the IWSR, 2017.

Guess Who! + Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva
Using only Yes or No questions, this game tests your ability to figure out your opponents mystery character. Does your person wear glasses? Does your person have blue eyes? Once you think you know who your opponent’s mystery character is, make a guess — but if you’re wrong, you lose the game!  Pair this guessing game with Diplomatico‘s flagship expression, Reserva Exclusiva (SRP $42.99), and when your friends ask if you’re drinking the Spirit Brand of the Year you can respond with a resounding, YES.

Twister + Bribon Blanco Tequila
For decades, Twister has been known as the iconic ice breaker. Before Twister existed people had not been granted the possibility of being up close and personal in a group setting and that same thinking goes for Tequila. If you’re planning to play Twister, be sure to break out the Bribón Tequila Blanco (SRP: $24.99). Rich in agave and savory tequila,  this bottle captures the essence of Bribón; a person who sets his or her own rules, someone who always embraces life no matter how twisted it gets.

UNO + Benham’s Gin
Fast paced and fun, UNO requires that you pay attention as you try to match the color, number, or symbol of the previous card. Originally developed in Ohio in 1971, pair this with another innovative American product, Benham’s Gin (SRP $40). A Sonoma Dry style gin produced in California that’s infused with 12 botanicals, each individually vapor distilled. Highlight Benham’s vibrant citrus forward characteristics in a G&T and avoid getting caught in the in crossfire of Skips, Reverses, Draw Twos or Draw Four Wild Cards.



Pedro Aristes

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