LinkedIn Integrates AI And New Tools To Simplify And Improve The Future Of Work
19 Jun 2024 by Simon Mayorga in Advice, Advice, Business, Career, Event, Fame, Film, Films, Finance, General, Home, Money, Music, Negotiating, Pleasure, Power, Self Help, Technology, Television

LinkedIn recently held an intimate press gathering at their Empire State Building offices in New York City to share data-driven insights on the future of work and unveil new ways they’re integrating AI into their products. The event featured an immersive product experience where attendees got hands-on the latest features, and the opportunity to speak directly with company product leaders. At the event attendees learned of the trends shaping the world of work, and how the new innovations help members and customers.
To support the 42% of professionals on LinkedIn aspiring to become an entrepreneur and more than 35 million active small businesses on the platform, LinkedIn has introduced new tools for Premium subscribers to help professionals build credibility and connect to opportunity.
At the event Tomer Cohen, LinkedIn’s chief product officer shared the latest AI trends shaping the future of work.
Premium Company Pages: Recognizing the need for small-to-medium businesses to grow, consistently engage and convert prospective clients, LinkedIn is launching Premium Company Pages. With this new offering, you can attract and convert more clients by adding a custom call-to-action button, grow potential prospects by auto-inviting individuals who engage with your company pages’ content, build credibility with custom testimonials and certifications, and more.
New Ways to Showcase Your Services with Premium Business: To support a growing community of 9+ million service providers on LinkedIn, subscribers can now showcase the services they provide on their profile and add a personalized call-to-action to drive leads to their business that will appear across LinkedIn on Profile, Feed posts, messages and search results, driving up to 2.4x more clicks than a link.