Top 5 Money Habits And Myths That Every Man Needs To Kick
05 Mar 2015 by Francisco Romeo in Advice, Advice, Business, Finance, Home, Money, Power, Self Help

We live in a modern world that is money driven, yet we still live with the financial beliefs of our elders. According to Patrice C. Washington, the Money Maven of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, there are five money habits and myths that every modern man needs to kick right away.
1. Real Men Know How To Handle Money-
Gentlemen, I understand it is a hard pill to swallow when admitting you need help, especially when it concerns to money. But understand, we were not wired with the knowledge of budgeting, investing or saving. Like everything else, we need to be taught these essential life lessons. Going out there and asking for help, or picking up a book, will allow for you to make wise financial decisions and improve your future.
2. A Man Should Always Make More Money Than His Wife-
Men have been fed this concept for years! The truth is, earning less than your wife does not make you less of a man. This ideology puts unnecessary pressure on your career and relationship. Be confident with who you are and what you bring to the relationship. Any woman who truly cares about you will not care about what you bring to the relationship financially.
3. I’ll Start Saving Later–
Sadly, life does not care that you plan on saving tomorrow. Large unexpected costs and life-changing events can happen at a moments notice. While you can not control these events that will happen throughout your life, you can control when you start saving and that day is today!
4. It’s Good Debt-
Please explain how any type of debt is good?! The only good debt is debt you don’t owe anymore. Yes, there may be times in life when you’ll need to leverage debt. But as soon as you realize that repaying someone considerably more than you borrowed is a waste of your money, you finally have a shot of paying off your debt.
5. I Don’t Make Enough To Save-
This is a line I am sure almost everyone, including myself, has told themselves. The truth is, as long as you make some kind of income you have enough to save. Those who are disciplined about their saving and clear about their values and goals will save successfully. If you are new to saving, or fear that you don’t make enough to save, start small. Saving $10 a paycheck may not seem like much, but it encourages a healthy financial habit and will slowly improve your future.