Want Better Sleep? Here’s 6 Tips to Make it Happen

23 Aug 2020 by Lina Jordan in Ego, Excercise, General, Health, Health, Home, Pleasure

Want better sleep? Here’s a tip: focus on managing your stress.  With everything going on in the world, that can feel like a tall order.  Many of us are tired, both emotionally and mentally. Finding a sense of calm may have taken a backseat on your list of priorities.
But bringing your focus back to that task might just resolve a whole host of health challenges – including poor sleep.

As it turns out, stress and sleep are closely linked.

Offering further insight Nupeutics Health’s Bernadette Judge “Nurse B.” seeks to demystify this natural life transition, offering healthy methods of managing symptoms and achieving better balance of more sleep, less stress.

To create better balance in your stress-sleep cycle, try the following:

  • Turn off screens at least 90 minutes before bedtime, as the artificial light can suppress your body’s natural melatonin levels (the “sleep hormone”).
  • Practice healthy ways of relieving stress by adding mindfulness, breathing exercises, guided visualizations, prayer and/ or meditation to your day.
  • Establish a sleep schedule, planning at least 7-9 hours of rest each night – and stick to it!
  • Limit heavy meals, sugar, and processed snacks late in the day. These can keep your digestive system active and make sleep difficult.
  • Avoid eating at least 3 hours before bedtime, so your gut is finished working and ready for rest.
  • Supplement with quality essential oils and herbal remedies. Lavender and Eucalyptus oils may help with relaxation, along with natural ingredients like Valerian, Chamomile, Melatonin, and Ashwagandha.

For added sleep and stress support, try all-natural Sleep Master and Stress Master blends.



Lina Jordan

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