Her Principles of Pleasure

24 Nov 2009 by admin in Home

Look into my eyes and climb with me step by step into endless ecstasy…
Whisper gently into my ear, “mi amor”, control me.  I will give you all you want if only to feel that for a moment you can’t live without me. 

Look into my eyes and follow me. I want to share a secret with you, my simple “Principles of Pleasure”… 

HELLO!  Excuse me…wake up from that fantasy of the girl above and get your mind right! 
I want to tell you a few facts about how the simple act of caressing your lover for a few minutes after sex can help stimulate blood flow and endorphins throughout your body helping your chances of a second or third round. 

Have you been in a situation where sex has become stagnant?  Or maybe you’re looking for that wild night of passion with a complete stranger? Whatever the scenario here are some tips to please her.  

I know who you are, you’re laying there bored because she is having her 20th headache this week and the last time you were ‘deep inside’ Jessica Alba was still a ”Dark Angel.”  It’s not as though you became disinterested, or that she wasn’t satisfying you anymore; but all of a sudden that passionate woman just stopped giving it up!   

So, what do you do?  How can you get it back?  Begin by setting the scene. She is overwhelmed, so clear out the bedroom. No laundry, work related items, messiness; nothing to remind her of what she could be doing instead of you.   

Next add some music; my personal favorite is “Say Yes” by Floetry.  Something slow and languid with definite lyrics of lustfulness.  You should set vanilla candles and dim the lights.  We like dim lights, not total darkness and not just candlelight, but dim lighting that softens our bodies and hides our imperfections.   

Okay, brace yourself, this one may be shocking: toys.  Believe it or not we like toys whether we have used them or not.  The simple idea of being naughty with the one we love is arousal enough for us.  Now, some of you may feel that you should be enough, but it’s not about you, it’s about making her feel excited with you, the man she loves, so that she will be putty in your hands.   

If you have never gone this route before, don’t jump into the deep end. Open her up. Lay out the oil and next to it put the ‘Golden Egg,’ a small vibrator she is sure to enjoy.  The toy is for her not you, and the thought you put into it makes her more excited.  This is what you wanted, she is ready to take the reins and all you had to do was remember the first time.  Soon she will be showing you the way that toy works.  Putty… 

Okay, now maybe you’re a different guy and just want to play with all the women the good Lord blessed you with.   Did it ever occur to you that if you played your cards right you could have any woman at any given time, no matter what?Maybe you’re a bit unsure as to how to embark on a 24 hour sex romp with a complete stranger.     

First things first, you too will be a stranger, so be whoever you want to be.  If you never see her again it will be no problem to be that “guy” for one night.  Go to a town at least 20 minutes away; you need to be smart about playing with fire; and get your game up!   

Find the girl you may never talk to in your normal state, and walk up to her and be bold.  Don’t be a pervert, or pushy, be bold.  Women at some point have thought of what they would do if a man like you came along and brought them a glass of wine – try Riesling – and said simply with the look of determination and confidence, “I want you.”   

Now, if you’ve played your cards right she’s already wet – her tongue of course -you did bring her wine!  After this she may talk with you, but just play it cool. Listen for about ten to twenty minutes and then get her another glass, or maybe a nice cognac.  Once she is nice and warm she will be willing to open up to you. Compliment her.  “I have never met someone like you before,” something simple; soon you will move in for the final attack.   

As she becomes more at ease whisper something naughty in her ear, or simply look straight into her eyes and say, “I have to tell you something.”  Move towards her, keeping your eyes on her as you move towards her ear, blow ever so gently, bite the lobe carefully and tell her again, “I still want you.” 

You have her, trust me. If you did it right by the time you get to your car her mouth will be on places you had hoped and by the time the hotel room door is open you will see she took off her panties on that short trip to the restroom right before you left.  Hike that skirt up and have fun! 

Now, this may be you or not, either way you can take these little items and make them yours, incorporate them into your situation and realize that it’s all about HER!  Seriously! Less than 50% of women reach climax during intercourse, meaning that if you want to be the man of her dreams in bed you have to get her halfway there before you even think of diving in deep.    

                                                                                   PRINCIPLES OF PLEASURE  

  1. Get into her subconscious! Send an email or text throughout the day telling her how much you want her. Remember it’s all about the mind!!
  2.   Security! Make her feel safe and at ease.  She will be open to you and the things you want to do.
  3.  Talk to her. This goes back to stimulating her mind.
  4.   Pace yourself. Be mindful of activity throughout the day/evening.  If you are hoping to get lucky directly after a meal nine times out of ten you will be disappointed. Why? Because we hate feeling bloated or fat, and if we do feel this way we are sure to be uncomfortable and not turned on.
  5. Be subtle! We don’t always like it when you go straight for the headlights and kitty cat. Use your head (the upper one) and think of the special places sometimes forgotten. i.e. ears, neck, feet, legs, and lower back. 
  6. Be creative. Not all women want a ménage a trois, but we do want other stimulants. Why not please us while you get a show of your own. Massage oils, vibrators, handcuffs (this goes back to the control thing) but just remember leave out the porn…. at least the first time.
  7.   Be in control.  Of “all parts of your body”, don’t rush; timing is everything.
  8.   IMPORTANT!!! Half of a woman’s arousal stems from herself. Be sure to make her feel comfortable and sexy. If you keep that in mind you just may have a chance of truly becoming a love connoisseur, a true HOMBRE.
  9. FIGHT THE SLEEP GOD!!  How we hate it when you roll over and fall asleep! Take some time to get to know us, talk about how much you want to try something else next time…since we were so receptive to your ideas this time around!
  10.   Caress her after sex. This will stimulate endorphins throughout the body and increase blood flow to your nether regions as well as stabilize the release of serotonin. In simple English, you will be ready for round two… or three!

Quiero decirte algunas de las reglas para nuestro placer.  Tienes que entrar en nuestro subconsciente.  Envíanos un texto o un correo electrónico a través del día dejándonos saber cuánto nos deseas, recuerda, todo está en la mente.La seguridad es importante. Haznos sentir confortable y estaremos dispuestas a hacer lo que deseas.  Háblanos, es importante estimular la mente.  Tómalo con calma y prepara las actividades para no estar lleno o cansado al final de la noche.Se sutil, recuerda que hay otras partes erógenas como la espalda, los pies, oídos, etc.Se creativo.  Añade candelas, aceites, juguetes a tu repertorio. Mantén el control de todas las partes de tu cuerpo. Recuerda: la mitad de nuestra excitación proviene de nosotras mismas, así es que haznos sentir apreciado y sexy. Resiste la tentación de dormir; háblanos eso nos hará mas receptivas a tus próximas sugerencias.  Y finalmente acarícianos al final. Además esto estimulara el corrimiento de la sangre y hasta te puede preparar para el segundo…o tercer round!    


