Daily exercise will help better maintain the immune system and reduce risk of infection. Although this should be a priority, the lack of a regular routine during COVID has affected people’s ability to maintain active and healthy lifestyles. In a benchmark study, it was concluded that regular exercise can help slow down changes that happen to the immune system and is beneficial for immune function.

According to American Council on Exercise (ACE), people should participate in regular moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking, running, or cycling, or resistance exercise to maintain muscle mass and strength. But in order to give the body its best chance at fighting off infections, ACE has compiled a list of 7 Steps for Decreasing Infection Risk:

  1. Maintain good personal hygiene when exercising, including thorough hand washing after exercise
  2. Exercise regularly for a positive effect on health, wellbeing, and immune system function
  3. Get enough sleep
  4. Maintain an energy-balanced healthy diet
  5. Positively manage stress
  6. Limit travel
  7. Limit attendance at social gatherings



Lina Jordan

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