As we move into 2024 the expectations to make drastic improvements in health, fitness, and good looks are somewhere at the top of most “Resolutions” lists. To help those dreams come true SY Aesthetics can serve as your go-to partner. Dr. Jeffrey Yager and Dr. Jingduan Yang lead the clinic with a revolutionary system to heal you in mind, body, and soul. We sat down with both doctors and visited their peaceful sanctuary to discover the services they offer men. In the first of a series we introduce you to their innovative methods to enhance not only your outward appearance but also to go deeper inside and provide a complete wellness package.

With a clinic located in Washington Heights and serving a largely Hispanic clientele, SY Aesthetics is a leading provider of comprehensive services to enhance health, happiness, and beauty. They have a team of professionals and a state-of-the-art facility, that offer a wide range of services, including plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures, skincare, nutritional medicine, lifestyle medicine, and personal growth programs.

Dr. Jeffrey Yager

Dr. Yager is a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon specializing in face, body, and breast procedures, medical director of SY Aesthetics, and the founder of Yager Esthetics, where he is known as the “Latina Beauty Expert” for his unique practice serving the Hispanic community in New York City since 1997.

Dr. Jingduan Yang

Dr. Jingduan Yang​ is President and Founder of the American Institute for Clinical Acupuncture, founder of the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine, and CEO of Northern Medical Center and SY Aesthetics.​ He specializes in psychiatry, integrative medicine, and is a fifth-generation teacher and practitioner of Chinese medicine, specializing in acupuncture. He is an expert on classic forms of Chinese medicine, and uniquely incorporates acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, neuro-emotional technique, nutritional and dietary consultation, psychotherapy, and medication management for the care of patients with a variety of emotional and physical illnesses, including chronic pain, stress, and anxiety.

​HOMBRE: How do you treat beyond the physical appearance of a patient?
SY Aesthetics:
We can do more. There are other pieces that are important in aesthetics and beauty that need to be addressed. By doing so we create not only better looking people but happier people.
We came up with the A​CES Analysis.​ A lot of times when people are dissatisfied with plastic surgery i​t’s because we’re not addressing what’s making them unhappy.

​H: What is the ACES Analysis?

SYA: A stands for Anatomy; what’s physical, your body, what we can see, that’s what traditional plastic surgery addresses.

C stands for ​Chemistry​; nutritional factors and other aspects that affect your body.

E stands for ​Energy​; and that’s where traditional Chinese medic​ine comes in. We do an evaluation to see if there are blockages in your energy flow.

S stands for Spirit; your belief system.​ Your spirituality also plays a role in who you are.

We created an analysis for all four of the dimensions to figure out how we can make you better, not just physically but how we can heal you from the inside. So it radiates outside. The goal is to not operate on people who should not be operated on. To work on other issues, can we address it nutritionally, or with acupuncture, o​r with other medical,​ spiritual or mental guidance.
And i
t’s not a religious thing but faith is important. There are studies that show that people who rate themselves highly on the blind faith side of things tend to recover from procedures faster​ and leave hospital​s ​sooner.​ They have less anxiety and stress in things that cause f​riction in your immune system.
​ACES is a unique way of addressing a patent.

H​: When did this system begin?
S​YA: We started this program over a year ago when we came together. Patient response has been good.

​H: Who does the patient evaluations​?
​SYA: We have a team that addresses​ the various needs.

H: How do you decide w​ho can benefit from this program?
​SYA: We can provide the ​individual service​s you need, but we also offer the fo​ur dimensional A​CES Analysis. It takes between one to two hours depending on how complex t​he needs.
P​atients have to be interviewed in four different areas and then come back and see the results. Some people may have surgery alone, some people need nutritional counseling, other people will undergo traditional Chinese medicine remedies. E​ach person is unique and​ evaluated according to their needs.

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130 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032