With many of us leading busy lives, it can be hard to remember to take time for ourselves as we try to knock off just one more item off of our to-do list (like remembering to push send on this email).

But, as happiness researchers are finding, even just a few simple habits every day can have long-lasting effects on reducing stress and increasing our happiness levels.

Straight from the American Council on Exercise, here are 5 simple ways to cultivate happiness:

1. List 3 things you feel grateful for every day. Just making a daily habit to remember things that you’re grateful for can help retrain your brain to feel more gratitude and, as a result, feel happier.

2. Get moving. Even exercising for 150 minutes or less per week (this works out to less than half an hour a day!) can reduce your risk of developing depression.

3. Spend time in nature and unplug. Spending time in nature and putting away your phone for just a few minutes can reduce stress and elevate your mood.

4. Take care of others. Acts of kindness, like volunteering or spending time with loved ones, both helps your community and can have long-lasting effects on your happiness.

5, Meditate. Just carving out 10 minutes a day to meditate and breathe can help you calm down and connect to your parasympathetic system, which controls your body’s ability to relax.

For more information visit www.acefitness.com



Lina Jordan

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